5 Hair Growth Tips For Long, Luscious Locks

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

If having long & luscious hair is your dream but don’t have a clue how to get there and how to start, this is your ultimate guide. Hair growth 101!

If your hair is stuck at one length and is not growing past a certain point then it’s time to take action and kickstart your hair growth journey. These tips are proven to have an impact and are based on improving your scalp health which ultimately results in healthy and long hair.

1- Stimulate your scalp:

No matter how much you try to grow your hair unless you have a healthy scalp it’s not going to work. There we said it! That’s why it’s crucial to place special focus on your scalp and you can do that by stimulating your scalp. In order to do so, before washing your hair, take a soft bristle brush and brush your scalp in gentle circular motions to remove build-up and boost blood circulation to the scalp.

This will not only gently massage the scalp but will also take out product build-up, dandruff, and any flakes.

2- Start with the right oils:

Photo by Chelsea Gates on Unsplash

Now that you have dry brushed your scalp, it’s time to oil and focus on nourishing your hair follicles. And for that, it is super important to use the right oil or mixture of oils and the right way.

The number one oil to stimulate your hair growth is rosemary essential oil, the star of the show. It’s scientifically proven to be as effective as 2% minoxidil, a chemical that is used to grow hair but also has a lot of side effects. Mix 3-4 drops of essential rosemary oil into your favorite carrier oil like castor oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, and argan oil, and start applying to your scalp followed by a gentle massage to ensure hair oil penetrates deeply. Also, apply a little bit of oil on your ends especially the tip of your hair to provide them with moisture and prevent frizzy hair. Repeat 2-3 times a week and with consistent use, you will see results. Rosemary essential oil takes 6 months to work so be a champ and doesn’t give up. You got this!

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3- Personal favorite tip:

To enhance the effectiveness of your hair massage use the double boil method to warm your oil and a hot towel or shower cap to wrap your hair to trap in the heat.

While massaging your scalp, flip your hair upside-down and massage thoroughly as this improves blood circulation to your head.

Now the most important point is to remember as you start to consistently oil your hair there is bound to be an increase in hair fall. Why is that, you ask? Well, oiling your scalp with the right technique and the right type of hair oil for your hair will stimulate your hair follicles to regrow hair. And the hair fall you see is actually the weakened hair which is bound to fall off later or sooner anyway. The hair that will grow in place of these shed hair will be stronger and smoother as you are providing your scalp much-needed nourishment. So, if you see hair fall right after you start oiling your hair consistently, it means it’s working. The hair fall will eventually stop after 2-3 months so no worries there.


4- Be wise about it:

Now after you have massaged hair oil into your scalp leave for 2-4 hours and then shampoo. Simple right? Hold on now, there is a whole lot of science behind it too. Let’s dive into it and come out wiser.

The shampoo you are going to use on your hair should be silicone-free. Silicones even though they coat your hair to make them shinier, this layer prevents nourishing ingredients to seep into your hair leaving them dry and rough. Choose paraben-free shampoo to ensure the products that you are applying actually get absorbed and make your hair healthier instead of just adding shine only to damage from within.

Lather shampoo on your hands and apply to your scalp only, not the ends. Use a scalp massager to massage your scalp and emulsify shampoo to remove all the oil, product build-up, and grease, and thoroughly cleanse the scalp. This makes sure that your scalp is completely cleansed and there is no greasiness to clog your follicles.

Shampoo twice if you have to especially if you have oiled your hair to make sure all the oil has been removed. Now for the ends, use a hydrating and moisturizing conditioner, leave it in for 5-7 minutes and then rinse preferably using the bowl method. This will nicely hydrate and moisturize your ends and prevent them from going all dry and frizzy.

5- Coffee to the rescue:

Mix coffee in your shampoo and apply it to your hair. Seems strange? No, it’s not. Coffee is rich in antioxidants and with regular use, it will boost your scalp health which is what we are after.

Try washing your hair upside down to make sure you are washing your scalp thoroughly and this also reduces the chances of back acne.

Now to lock all that goodness in your hair use a leave-in conditioner when your hair is wet, not dripping wet though. This way you will have super smooth and manageable hair until your next wash day.

Things to avoid:

  • Do not use a regular towel but instead opt for an old t-shirt or a microfiber towel to wrap your hair.
  • Do not rub aggressively but let them air-dry and when hair is almost 60-70% dry brush with a wide tooth comb.
  • If you are using a hair dryer opt for a heat protectant as it prevents heat damage and your hair won’t get all scrambled up from direct heat exposure.
  • Never sleep with wet hair as when the hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and can break off easily and trap in dirt and oil quickly.
  • Try to be consistent and you are bound to see the results with these steps. Not only you will see new growth but will also have stronger and silkier hair and a healthy scalp.


To make your hair longer avoid silicon shampoos. Use the right oils for your hair. Instead of wrapping the hair with a towel use an old -shirt. Mix coffee in shampoo.

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