Hyaluronic Acid: Benefits, How To Use, Types?

Hyaluronic acid also known as hyaluronan or hyaluronate is a gooey substance produced by the body naturally. Research has shown it exists mostly in eyes, connective tissues, and joints.

The main purpose of this acid is to retain water to keep your tissues wet and lubricated.

Hyaluronic acid has many uses. Many people take it as a supplement, but it’s also used in topical serums, eye drops, and injections.

Is hyaluronic acid safe to use?

Well, the answer is Yes. Many types of research have shown that this acid is safe to use. Reactions or adverse effects from hyaluronic acid are rare.

How does hyaluronic acid depend on other products?

Products that combine hyaluronic acid with some other compounds or pharmaceutical elements can have side effects. You need to tell your healthcare provider about all the products you are taking including any kind of supplements or vitamins.

Also read:Hydrating Vs Moisturizing How To Know Which Is Best For Skin? – Brownandsouth

Types of hyaluronic acid:

1- Sodium hyaluronate:

The effects of this acid aren’t long-lasting but it goes deeper into the skin to deliver better results. It is best for people with normal skin as It allows moisture to seep in.

2-Hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid:

It has been broken down into small elements to penetrate the skin. It is suitable for people who have oily or combination skin. Since these types of skin avoid over moisturizing.

3- Sodium acetylated hyaluronate:

It has the benefits of sodium hyaluronate but with longer-lasting results. It’s good for people with dry skin as they need moisture.

Hyaluronic acid benefits:

  • It promotes healthier and more supple skin
  • Helps in faster healing of wounds
  • Relieves dryness of eyes and discomfort
  • preserves bone strength
  • Relives joints pain

How to take hyaluronic acid:

You can take hyaluronic acid in different forms:

By mouth:

It comes in supplementary diets and pills. Taking hyaluronic acid by mouth can have many benefits. These include reducing arthritis pain, improving skin health, and more.

On the skin:

Hyaluronic acid products that you can use on the skin come in various forms like shampoo, lotions, cream gels, serums, and ointments.

It has many benefits for your skin. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and aging lines.

In form of eye drops:

Eye drops contain hyaluronic acid as it treats dryness of the eyes.

Using Hyaluronic Acid: What to Look for in a Topical Product

Call pores and skin-care category, and there’s probably a product featuring hyaluronic acid. You’ll discover the factor in several merchandises, along with:

  • Serums
  • Sheet masks
  • Eye creams
  • Moisturizers
  • Cleansers
  • Lip treatments

Before buying tropical products follow these steps:

1- Check for allegens and vitamin C:

Check out the products that you are allergic to. Look for hyaluronic acid that has Vitamin C too.

2- Check molecular weight:

Whenever buying a product always check its molecular weight. It can give you a clue that how effective the product is. Acids with low molecular weight can penetrate easily into your skin.

3- Use Fragnace-free acid:

Fragrances in products cause irritation to people with sensitive skin. Frangrance also leads to rashes. So chose fragrance-free hyaluronic acid.

4- Water content:

Sometimes while buying hyaluronic acid people consider the water content in it useless. It actually makes acid much more effective. “Having a more water-based product — rather than a cream, oil, or gel — will allow the product to penetrate the skin easier,” Gasquet says.


Hyaluronic acid supplements can be safely taken by most people and provide many health benefits.

Hyaluronic acid is well known for its skin benefits, especially alleviating dry skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and speeding up wound healing.

It can also help relieve joint pain in people with osteoarthritis.

Other notable applications include hyaluronic acid eye drops to relieve dry eye and inserting hyaluronic acid directly into the bladder via a catheter to reduce pain.

Overall, hyaluronic acid is a beneficial supplement for a variety of conditions, especially those related to skin and joint health.