Self-care Tips For Brides To Be: as Wedding Season Is Just Around The Corner!

With summers finally ending and winters approaching October and November are considered the best months to have a wedding. The weather is pleasant and these months are usually not exam seasons so everyone you want at your wedding is able to attend.
As the preparations kickstart, the hustle & bustle in the market boosts, and wedding season-appropriate trends seep in, it’s time to get started with wedding shopping.

For brides to be it can get really overwhelming and they may not even know where to start.
In all this stress, a bride-to-be can really end up lost as to how to take care of herself and how to make sure she looks all radiant and beautiful on her very special day.

Here is a complete guide on how to start and when to start with a great tip so you can look your best self on that once-in-a-lifetime kinda day.

Hair care tips for bride-to-be:

Now you may have long luscious locks or a shoulder-length hairstyle, but the most important thing is your scalp health. In order to strengthen your hair so you can opt for that favorite hairstyle on your wedding day, you have to be extra careful.

Follow these steps:

1- Oil your scalp regularly with an oil that suits your scalp and use a shampoo and conditioner the right way.

2- Incorporate weekly hair masks and overnight hot oil treatments.

3- Get occasional trims, this way you will maintain your length but won’t have split ends. If you want to color or dye your hair consult a professional and ensure you are following all the necessary after-dye precautions to keep the damage at bay.

Skin care tips for bride-to-be:

Glowing and healthy skin is a must – follow a hydrating and moisturizing skincare routine religiously to make sure you have healthy and glowing skin on your wedding day. Start with a suitable cleanser that is formulated for your skin type and use it on daily basis. Incorporating a moisturizer that keeps your skin supple and sunscreen is super-important.

Here are some beauty tips:

1- Identify if your skin has specific issues like hyperpigmentation, redness, blemishes, acne scars, or dullness, and use serums or exfoliants formulated to specifically target that particular problem. This is crucial as it will not only make sure your skin is healthier but will also prep it for makeup and you will look radiant.

2- If you face hyperpigmentation issues make sure to use sunscreen and a brightening serum like vitamin C serum.

3- For black and white heads incorporate salicylic acid and for dullness and acne scars go for vitamin C.

4- For moisturization and wrinkles incorporate retinol and for plump skin use ceramides. Do not mix these active ingredients, instead identify the problem and use only one active ingredient at a time. By the time your wedding approaches you will have healthy skin.

5- Make sure to use a lip balm and a hydrating lip mask at night to remove any sort of pigmentation from lips and to keep them hydrated.

Related article: Hydrating Vs Moisturizing How To Know Which Is Best For Skin? – Brownandsouth

Tackle dark underarms:

If you have dark underarms, it’s definitely possible to brighten them to boost your confidence. Always make sure to go for the waxing method to remove underarm hair instead of shaving. Use a body scrub and gently massage then thoroughly wash with soap and use a brightening cream or vitamin C-based spot treatment to brighten the area.
Effective underarm brightening products are available in the market from renowned brands for you to choose from. Also, choose your deodorant carefully and go for organic ones if you can.

Shave or wax regularly:

Be it shaving or waxing, whatever you are comfortable with, do it regularly as these hair removal procedures gradually decrease hair growth, not entirely though. And make sure to regularly use a body cream or moisturizer on your legs, arms, & neck to keep your skin soft and hydrated.
Now laser removal is also a super-effective method to get rid of that unwanted hair on the body and with regular sessions, you will eventually have no hair. Laser sessions, even though a bit pricey, are a game changer and save you a lot of time.

Exercise and a balanced diet:

No matter what you do outside unless your body is healthy on the side it won’t matter. That’s why it’s important for you to exercise or take a walk for 30-45 minutes on daily basis. This will not only help you lose weight if that’s what you are after but will also tone your body.

Self-care tips for bride-to-be:

1- Hit the gym if you want or do it at home make it a part of your daily routine and you will be pleased with the results.
2- Along with exercise, try eating healthy like seasonal fruits and dry fruits to build your health. Try to cut on carbs and unhealthy fats and consume fruits, smoothies, fruit juices, vegetables, and salads. This will not only improve your gut health but will also provide much-needed nourishment and minerals to the body.
3- If you feel stressed and overwhelmed with all that’s going on, try meditation or yoga. This will calm your nerves and helps you actually relax so you can enjoy the process.

Don’t forget to enjoy:

Now weddings are always special and marriage is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So don’t stress over things too much enjoy the vibes, and the ambiance, and soak in all the happiness. Sit down, take a deep breath, and relax!
Take in all the emotions, the nervousness, the excitement, the happiness, and enjoy the journey to another life with your partner. Think about your union and marriage and the life ahead of you and try to stay calm.
Your wedding will be as good as your mood so try to focus on yourself and your health. Start now!

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