Toners-Everything You Need To Know About Them!

Toner is a secret skincare item. Toners come in water-based liquid that is infused with skin-soothing ingredients like aloe, acids, glycerin, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories. You can find different formulas according to your skin.

Basically, the job of a toner is to refresh your skin without stripping off its natural moisture. That means a toner won’t irritate your skin or cause dryness.

What does face toner do?

Face toners restore your skin’s PH balance, and add a protective layer. In addition to refreshing you, skin toner also cut down your ingrown hair. Toners are most helpful for oily or acne-prone skin. Toners work hard to unclog pores and remove excess oil. Smooths skin by refining rough patches and improving skin tone. So many benefits!

How to use toner?

There are a few steps to follow:

1-  Apply it after cleanser.

Toners should be applied after cleansing. After cleansing, our skin needs to be returned to a balanced pH of 4.5-5.5. Due to its water-like consistency, toner is meant to be applied immediately after cleanser and before serums, moisturizers, and oils. 

2- Adjust the frequency.

If you are using a toner that targets hydration you can use it daily. However, if a toner contains stronger ingredients it should not be used more often than a couple of times a week. Make sure to check the ingredients before buying.

3- Use a cotton pad.

The best way of applying toner is to use a cotton pad or cotton ball. Soak the pad in toner and gently wipe it around your face from T-zone to outwards. Always start off with a small amount and add more if you need it—with toners, a little goes a long way. 

4- Dilute toner with water(For sensitive skin).

If your skin is sensitive or the toner is particularly strong, try soaking your cotton pad in water first. Then apply toner to a cotton pad to dilute the solution.  Over time, as your skin acclimates to the formula, you can slowly phase out the water so that you eventually are applying the toner directly onto a dry cotton pad.

5- Alcohol-free formula.

While you are on a toner hunt make sure it is alcohol-free. Alcohol irritates and disrupts the skin’s natural barrier, so it becomes prone to redness and irritation.

Toners for all skin types

Toner for oily skin:

People with oily skin face excess sebum production. This leads to acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and other blemishes.

The best ingredients to look for are – tea tree oil to fight sebum and bacteria or aloe vera to calm inflammation and redness.

Toners for Dry skin:

Does your skin feel tight straight after cleaning your face? Compared to oily skin dry skin lacks moisture Which results in blemishes and other irritations.

The best ingredients to look for are- Rosewater, Hyaluronic acid, and vitamin E for hydration.

Toners for sensitive skin:

Those with sensitive skin know they should avoid using anything with paraben, alcohol, mineral oils, fragrances, or other potentially irritating ingredients.

The best ingredient to look for is lactic acid or glycolic acid. Also, water-based toners enriched with botanical extracts help with a soothing, calming, and spa-like sensation!

Toners for combination skin:

This skin type can be the most complicated skin to deal with as people suffer from occasional oiliness or dryness on their T-zone or U-zone. These type variations can also occur at different times in the year, depending on weather and climate conditions.

The Best ingredient is to look for low pH levels and ingredients such as – AHA & BHA, Hyaluronic acid, and Green tea extract.

Toners for normal skin:

Last but not least, Call yourself lucky if you generally don’t suffer from any skin concerns and are not sensitive/allergic to most products and cosmetics.

The best ingredient to look for is- Hyaluronic acid.

The bottom line:

Toners can be incredibly useful and valuable too. When you find the right formula you can think of it as the last step in cleansing. Toner removes any residual dirt, grime, makeup, or sunscreen that your facial cleanser didn’t quite get.

By using a toner tailored to your specific skin type – you’re letting your skin get a head start on amazing benefits and making the most out of every step.

Let’s all start with toners and begin heading towards the good skin days ahead. 

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